The happy Days Travels Logo

There are a few reasons behind my blog name of The Happy Days Travels.

1. It’s a common phrase used in Wales to either comment on almost anything or a standard reply. I.E. Did you know there’s a new coffee shop opening? No, but Happy Days!

2. My childhood home had an adjacent lane. I vividly remember for years there was large graffiti in the lane saying Happy Days! 

3. When Scott and I travelled through South East Asia in 2016, we must have saved hundreds of WiFi passwords in bars, hostels, hotels, coffee shops, etc. We had scheduled to stay in Chiang Mai, Thailand for 4 days and ended up staying for 5 weeks in total because we fell in love with the magical place. We spent the entire time in one hostel and this hostel was a major part of our long stay. The WiFi password was none other than … Happy Days.

4. Happy Days isn’t an expression that describes the most wonderful thing nor is it describing the worst thing, but it is used to describe something that is more than standard, something that is all good. That’s how I think of my travelling. I truly believe we can all find happy days in our lives.

5. My blog’s focus is living a little locally through food, books and learning culture. Imagine you’ve ordered breakfast in the local cafe while reading a book, glancing up at the world every few pages … if that ain’t happy days I don’t know what is!

If you want to know more about me, click here

Enjoy reading. I hope you find your happy days. 


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