The Travel Bug

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You donā€™t know you have the travel bug straight away. It will sting you and you wonā€™t recognise the symptoms for a while.

The bug.

Not a literal bug, not the slimy ones or the flying ones. You know when those types blast you in your eye or spurt between your toes. Itā€™s not the sickness bug either; you will certainly know that one!

No, the bug you possess my friend, is the addictive bug. The bug that gives you passion, the bug you love, the bug that never disappears. Itā€™s a good kind of bug, itā€™s not harmful or destructive but valuable and good for the soul. This bug fills your heart, opens your eyes, enhances your mind and leaves your jaw dropped. The bug hit me on my last day in Amsterdam. It wasnā€™t the legality of the place I was addicted to, but the unfamiliarity, the landmarks, the culture, the language barriers that all contribute in getting me lost in a strange place. I love it and I’ve caught it.

The goal of this bug is to drive you on your journey, encourage your bravery, inspire your dreams and transform your life until you are satisfied.

Side effects include increasing exposure to altitude and vitamin D, decreasing bank balance and material goods, occasional homesickness and itchy feet. Itā€™s contagious to like-minded people and brings you riches greater than money.

This is the travel bug.

There are other good bugs too. Career bugs, love bugs, parenthood bugs, pet-owner bugs, cooking bugs, book bugs, adventure bugs, dancing bugs and a million more types of bugs. Whichever bug you catch, remember itā€™s worth the cost, the sacrifices, the patience and the effort. If you are helping someone, expanding your mind or making a difference, itā€™s worth it. The bug enables you to be who you want to be, to live your dreams, to be proud of your life and yourself.

Itā€™s worth the bug if it makes you feel alive.

The Travel Bug Pin

The Travel Bug Pin










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  1. Ahhh…it’s a bug! I was thinking it was a genetic trait as my family seems to have been born with this addition. You’re probably right, as I do know it to be contagious. šŸ˜‰

    1. Your family sounds awesome if you all have the bug! I bet you’ve had a great life of travel Scott? It is highly contagious…:)

      1. Always good tales to swap! My sis and her husband have been rv’ing through Europe the last year and half with their dog, and will be home for Christmas…can’t wait to hear about that!!

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